06 October 2007

One week plus a little

So, I feel as though I have begun to settle in a bit. My room is organized, classes have started, and I know how to get to (and into) the University Library. It is a good feeling.

This afternoon I have my trial for rowing and this evening I am going to a ballet class. I am more excited about the ballet than the rowing... and am more convinced that I will stick with the ballet, as well. (This could just be the little HORSE in my head telling me that I will never be able to get up early enough to commit!)

I had my first class on Thursday: Theory and Concepts in early modern history. We basically debated the term "early modern" for two hours (ok, maybe not only that... but it seems funnier if I say it that way...) I had forgotten the tiny intricacies of academia and the way in which ANYTHING can be debated into the ground. But that is part of the fun of it, I suppose. After class I went to a tea to meet the history staff/fellows (I am still a bit hazy on what to call who... Professor is a title reserved for few and fellows seem to go with colleges.... they should really have a class titled: fundamentals of naming in Cambridge...) Well, I met my supervisor at this event for the first time; I think we are going to get on well. He is in his early 30s (?) and is originally from Lyon, France. We chatted about my topic and I explained to him what I was thinking and what sources I was expecting to use... and he gave me some pointers, etc. We will see how this goes. My topic is relatively interdisciplinary, so I may be seeking advice from other faculties as well. (At least I will be getting the most out of this brilliant academic resource!)

A curious thing that happened at the tea. Upon meeting one of the teaching staff he said: "Aw, yes... I remember your application well." I still don't know what that means. I am assuming it is because I have such a non-traditional proposal. But I can't quite figure it out!

Anything else to mention? The weather was sunny again for the better part of yesterday... that is always something to write about! I think that is about it for now. I hope all is well back in the states!


Storybell said...

make sure you share the naming conventions!

Paula the Mum said...

That person remembered your application well because you wrote in Americanese not Englandese-center not centre!

Kevin said...

A memorable application means brilliant, direct, and clear writing.

You're sweet.