03 October 2007

Not much to report...

As you can see by the title of this post, there is not much to report. Classes do not start until tomorrow, so yesterday I read a little but mostly wandered around town. I found my way to "the backs," which is a path that follows along the back of some of the older and more prestigious colleges (most people conjure an image of King's College when they think Cambridge... this image can be seen from the backs). If any of you plan on visiting the University whilst I am here, I will definitely take you to the backs!

I opened a British bank account yesterday. Brilliant thing: since I am not working in this country I am exempt from taxes on the interest that I earn. This is my first "foreign" bank account... perhaps next will be Swiss! Ha!

I forget if I mentioned it in this blog, but I signed up to try rowing! My first trial is Saturday... it should be a trip! (Luckily I have about two weeks to decide if I want to commit... I was chatting to some third years--our equivalent to college seniors--yesterday and they told me that some people absolutely love it and ride on the memory for years and others think it is absolute rubbish (mostly the 5am practices...) According to Laura, my former room-mate in SB, I will fall into the latter category. I'll let you all know how it goes... Also, I found a beginning ballet class open to graduates, fellows and staff. I think I am going to have a go at it (I did a bit of ballet in SB and found it just delightful!) I brought my ballet garb from the states for just such a purpose!

Tonight I am off to see The Decembrists play at a local venue. I am headed out with my new neighbour Matt (pictured below) and perhaps a few other freshers. Should be a good time! A nice last bit of fun before the real work begins!

Right now I am reading a book called "Writing Early Modern History". It is basically a look at how theory has contributed to the writing of early modern history. It is the idea that even if an historian does not "buy in" to any specific theory of history (as is the popular contemporary mode of scholarship), various theories have contributed to his or her foundational assumptions. It is basically what to watch for when reading historians and what to be mindful of when writing my own histories. I am nearly through with a chapter on Marxism.

All right... my "not much to report" has turned into a significant blog! I hope everyone is well stateside!! Send updates if you have them; I would LOVE to hear any news!! :)


Paula the Mum said...

Update: I am trying contacts-monovision. I'll see how it works.

Unknown said...

Little- you look so smart in your gown. Hope all goes well on your first day of class.

Unknown said...

i agree with HORSE! and i'm coming to see you in exactly 2 weeks. take me to the 'backs'! i'm first! i'm first!

Laura said...

I still stand by my word, if it is early in the morning you will not be on the rowing team for very long. The Decemberists? i am jealous
