27 October 2007

A few more pictures

I took this one one a walk to Grantchester, a village right outside of Cambridge. The English countryside is stunning... especially when the sun comes out!

When LC came to visit we took a day trip to London and visited the British Museum AND the British Library. Cambria took this photo of us... I think it was on the Underground. I like to call it "oblivious v. sceptical" (based solely on our faces, of course!!)

This photo is from Matriculation (Thurs night). It is Maggie, me and Rick. Rick wanted to be in the photo... and then he made that face. Maggie and I did not quite understand. Nevertheless we (Maggie and I) look nice. ;)

Afternoon tea in Grantchester. This is an outdoor tea house, with seating under Willow trees and a stone's throw from the River Cam. Apparently this tea House (The Orchard) is famous as Virginia Wolf's favourite place to have a tea.

Pea and Tea! (This is still in Grantchester)

Me, Maggie and Caitlin at Matriculation in the Old Library at College

"Emma in the Sun". This is the back view of Emmanuel College. The building to the left is the library and the specks on the grass are ducks (Kevin, can you identify them from this view?!)

A poetic (...or not) pose outside of the chapel during Matriculation. (I am taking the photo in case you are trying to figure out which is me!)

In London. I took this photo because Cambria and I frequented a coffee shop called The Daily Grind in Santa Barbara. (And by frequent I mean: I would walk into the shop in the morning before work and the guy behind the counter would hand me a blue coffee cup and say: one-forty... without even asking)

There is a street in Cambridge called "Peas Hill". Yes, it is my hill. (My nickname amongst my peers is "Pea")

The quintessential Cambridge photo: the back of King's College chapel. Stunning, really.

Rowing! I am in seat four (fourth from the back). It was a brilliantly sunny day on the Cam that day!


Kevin said...

Best picture, by far, is you in the row boat. I don't really understand why, but I really enjoy seeing you with your hand shading your face looking off into another place, aloof and pensive. You're the best!

Weasel said...

Wow, Pea! Your hair is getting long! Looks great.