09 October 2007

A memorable night

Tonight I met Peter Burke... brilliant scholar extraordinaire! The chances are high that if you pick up a book related to early modern cultural history, it will either be written by Burke or have mention of his contributions to scholarship. I met an early modern undergrad the other day who has spent two years trying to meet him. A girlfriend and I stood around after the lecture for about half and hour, waiting for our chance to jump in and say "thank you" and "hello". Julia and I laughed afterwards at how painfully awkward the meeting was... but also how both of our lives are now changed forever.


Unknown said...

there's something about the last name Burke that lends itself to academia. truly. i can think of several disciplines that involve Burkes. maybe i should think about marrying into that name. congrats on a cool anecdote. love!

Storybell said...

It is always wonderful to meet someone who is at the forefront of your field. We (Phychology) have Bunthorne, Boring, and Hemholtz... I'm sure there must be another Burke in the mix! Congratulations!

Weasel said...

Yeah, Burke is a smart person name. I mean, who is the smartest and best surgeon on Grey's Anatomy? Preston Burke, of course! Too bad he wasn't at the lecture too, that just would have been awesome.