02 October 2007

A Few Photos

Last night was out first formal dinner. To the right is a picture of my in my formal gown. It is basically like a graduation gown with shorter sleeves). It was quite a sight to see all the Emma grads and fellows clad in these robes. And to add to the pomp, the tables were candle lit, the prayers were in Latin , and the wine flowed freely. It was really great fun!

Following the formal dinner we all hung our robes outside the Old Library (which has stonework dating to the 12th century; the College Master was sure to point that out during tea the other afternoon!), and we partook in an extremely informal "80s Bop". Basically dancing to MJ and other 80s favourites, whilst the makeshift bar served rum and coke.

Following are a few more photos...

This is the view of the garden from my window

This is the view from my front door; this park is called Christ's Pieces

This is me and Matt, my new neighbour.
This was at a pub our second night in town... I cannot recall the name!

As time goes on I will publish more interesting photos! I guess I am trying to avoid seeming the tourist at the moment!!

In regard to more academic matters (which apparently come second at Cambridge... haha), I had my first meeting with the History Faculty yesterday afternoon. I met the other 12 students on my course as well as our senior members. Everyone on staff seemed very lovely! We were given information about the coming term and what our requirements would be. Prof Morrill kept referring to this term as "boot camp". O, boy. So just a warning: when I come home for Christmas I may appear a bit exhausted!!

1 comment:

Mercurius Rusticus said...

Please ask John Morrill if J.P.Cooper would have used the phrase 'boot camp'.