16 October 2007

From the UL

I am sitting here in the UL (University Library)... about to start my research for the day. I have just arrived, which obviously means it is the proper time for a break! :)

Today was my first morning crew outing, and my second outing ever. Waking up early and walking down to the river was not so bad... but I guess we will have to see how I feel in a few weeks time (right, HORSE?) Apart from the soreness that comes the morning after, I have rather enjoyed the experience thus far. We went for the first time today in eights--which means that all eight of us rowed at once... talk about teamwork and having to pay attention to your crew mates! Luckily we did not tip the boat and no one got wet! I think we have our first novice races in a few weeks time.

Everything else here has been good. Classes are progressing smoothly and the days are starting to fly by. Thursday will be the start on third week already (and when there are only eight weeks in term that is big news!)

I cannot think of much else interesting to tell you all now. I will be in London on Friday to scope out the British Museum and I think I may drag LC along to an apple festival in Cambridge on Saturday! (Slightly reminiscent of the apple festival we went to when I was little, I believe--Mom, where was that?)

So, until I have more to say...


Anonymous said...

As an early modern historian should you not be going to the British Library rather than to the British Museum ?

Paula the Mum said...

It was out at Oak glen-dad's favorite thing to do-look at the apple stands and eat apple pie! I rather prefer the candy store!

Weasel said...

Are you kidding me? Update your blog already! Geez.