25 September 2007

Materialism, mums and general musings

I tend to forget just how much a of materialist I am.... until I have to pack for a move. Excuse me, what is my maximum luggage allotment? I'll take that, please. I suppose it is justifiable, though. I am moving not only clothes and a few toiletries, but also sheets, towels, legitimately (not Cali) winter clothes, and enough kitchen supplies to significantly reduce my purchases at the local Tesco. But, my goodness! It ALWAYS seems so much less in my mind! Does it really weigh that much, honestly?!

Aside from my abrupt realization that I am just as materialistic as anyone of my age and economic status, my departure is approaching smoothly. My plane leaves LAX tomorrow afternoon at 4:40pm and arrives in London Thursday at 11...ish in the morning. From there it is a 2-hour bus ride to Cambridge and a 50 metre walk to my college. It's all pretty straightforward, really (hopefully!) I imagine it will be relatively similar to my arrival at Oxford (except that time I had a catch a lonely cab to a foreign airport and this time my mum is going to take me to LAX!) Note: I have my spell check set to "English UK", and it refused to recognise "mom" as a word... so mum's the word!

The photo to the right is of Maddie, a friend's daughter, and a going away cake. I could not resist posting it!

So the question that I keep asking myself: how do I feel? Good... I think. However, I must admit that my nerves are a bit on edge. The nerves come mostly when I enter into thoughts about my academic experience. I am so focused on the excitement of moving to a new country that I have nearly forgotten that I start term on Monday. Seventeen months after college graduation and I have found myself a student again. But this is a good thing; I thrive as a student.... I love academia! It will be difficult, but I have high hopes that I will be able to easily slip back into the identity of "student". But I guess I'll only know after it happens or does not happen.

That's it for now; more to follow from the other side of the Atlantic.


Unknown said...

hooray for blogs! HORSE and i are competing for who will be the last to talk to you in the united states... you might get multiple calls from us tomorrow. 9:59, 10:00, 10:01, etc.

Mary said...

Thanks for keeping me in the loop; I truly look forward to reading your adventures! I also bless the person who invented wheels on the bottom of suitcases, just came back from a trip! Can't wait to read your next update! Best Wishes to you Lauren! M :)

Paula the Mum said...

You are one hour from departing the US for the UK! I will send you the Times Crosswords (undone!) to keep your mind fresh and active. haha-if if you'll need it!
I love you, My Sweetie! Mum

Eva said...

It's 3:46pm on Sept 26, Lauren - I'm counting down - 45 min til you take off!! Thanks for keeping me in your loop. I'm excited for you and can't wait to hear how it goes!

We're behind you here at Trinity!


cinamngrl1 said...

I have never been on a blog in my life, though of course I have heard talk of them for years. I think that dear, sweet Lauren is the one person who could have gotten me to take a look. What a lovely concept and practice.

I am hoping that your sojourn is a "brilliant" one, in all its meanings. Surely, it will be brilliant in the learning and growing department, but also in the way that in enriches and enlightens you in all ways imaginable.

Of course, we miss you and your name is mentioned often, like it was in the car on the way back from the all day ALA Conference that Trina, Jayne, Donna and Rosa and I attended yesterday. Yes, I said Rose, we hired Janeen, and she even came to work for two full days, but then she decided that she really needed to work outdoors. She had some other job offers for that type of work and it was an awkward and hard decision for her. She liked us and probably would have worked well with and for our team, but the great news is that she is following her passion and let us know early on, and that Rosa was still available and interested.

This is all for now, since work beckons, so

