28 September 2007

Cambridge Men.

Somehow I ended up in this lovely little room in Cambridge... surrounded by men. That's right: a house of seven and so far five of the occupants are men (the seventh has not arrived so we do not know his/her gender). That makes me the only girl thus far. It also means that I share my bathroom with three men and have no one to borrow clothes from. But it is all right. They all seem relatively charming and are aware that I am not available... so we should get on just fine (plus I do not think I will have to fight with them to use the kitchen...)

A few things to note:
1. Whenever I tell a Brit that I am from California (s)he apologizes for the weather (it has been rainy). It has happened several times, it is actually rather funny.
2. Cambridge has a daily open air market a short walk from my house. Lots of fresh fruits and veggies, bakery items, nic nacs, etc. It is great news. I think tomorrow I will buy a basil plant... I am just not sure how long it will survive here!

In regard to diary (British for day planner) logistics, my first official class meeting event is on Monday at 4pm; it is a tea for all of the history students. I believe the next day is the start of classes. This weekend is relatively slow; we have a garden party tomorrow afternoon (it will be a party in the Old Library building if the rain keeps up!!) and not loads more. It is a nice little time of adjustment.

I think tomorrow I am going to carry my camera around so that I can get some photos up for you all! :)

1 comment:

Laura said...

hooray for the market!