29 September 2007

It's a Girl!

This morning I met the mysterious tenant in room 3. Her name is Lizzy and she is an MPhil student in medieval history (a medievalist) and is from Edinburgh. So, not only is she female and delightful, but is also studying a similar subject! This is a wonderful thing! I think the house dynamic--as well as my personal interactions with the house--much more balanced. So good!

Today we had out garden party on the Paddock. Emma is known for its ducks, and today I learnt that the Mallards are extremely brave! (or just accumulated to humans.) It was funny to see the ducks mingling with the graduate students. It is neat that they are such a permanent part of the college.

Tomorrow I am going to try one of the local Anglican churches. In a conversation yesterday with Jeremy Caddick the school dean (like campus pastor) I learnt that Cambridge has the largest percentage of evangelicals (or "American" churches) in all of England. I found that rather interesting, really. He gave me some good pointers on a few churches to try, which range from high to middle in liturgy and tend to be more liberal. And, of course, he recommended the college chapel. I think I am going to try to go to a church in the morning and go to chapel for the evening evensong (and I LOVE English choirs, so that should be fabulous!)

....I did not take as many photos today as I wanted to. They will come soon, though!! :)

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