30 September 2007

Gowns and high mass

I have a skype name now, it is: laurenmpugh. I have not used it yet... but if you want to chat, let me know!

I went to church this morning at Little St Mary's. I had to laugh to myself when there was a note in the bulletin about their 650th anniversary. The service was a little bit higher than my taste (they used the common book of prayer from the 17th century or something!) ... but it tasted like they used dessert wine for communion. ;) I went to coffee hour after the service and met some interesting people. It is funny being in the awkward throws of initial meetings everywhere I go. I am waiting for the moment when everything is no longer new!

After church I went and bought my gown. Fifty quid for a bit of black fabric! Yar! This gown I wear to any formal dinner and other formal events. We have our first formal dinner tomorrow so I will take a photo.

Tomorrow is the first day of term. I suppose from after tomorrow life will be a bit more packed. I am still rather clueless about what I will be doing / have to do. O, boy... what an adventure!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

what's skype and how do I sign up? (ha! like I can't figure it out>) It's good there's another female type... you'll be able to share clothes, the bathroom, and in a pinch... those "necessary" things. Write to you soon... I'm keeping up!