15 September 2007

Eleven Days and Counting

I am eleven days from departure, and in a state of disbelief. Can I really be leaving the country for an indeterminate amount of time? Don't most people purchase a return ticket when leaving the country? Well, apparently not everyone. I think I like being in the one-way ticket crowd. I feel like a bird in the hand, aware that soon I will be let to fly. Will I come back to the familiarity of the gentle and secure, yet stationary grasp? Or will I find a tree or telephone wire upon which to perch? It is a wonderful feeling: security in the unknown. To be floating on my back down river, excited to open my eyes in the future and learn my surroundings. I suppose the only bit of knowledge in which I may be confident is this: tomorrow I will not be where I am today: the current will take me somewhere new. I have no idea where I will be in eleven month's time, but I am open for it. I am ready to become an active participant in the passive arrival of my future.

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