25 October 2008

an excerpt

This is an except from a reflection dated: 23/11/2007. I reread it today and thought it would be nice to post here. Here is the first bit, it continues, but I will keep it short for now:

A reflection:
My time here, so far.
An adjustment. That's what I'll call it: an adjustment. A transition to something new and alien. A transition away from my familiar and loved. It was a bit of a jolt this time. Pushed off a bus into the rainy street--my life on wheels fumbling behind: luggage too heavy and no one to help. No one to laugh about it later because no one knew. Hailed a cab and read from a paper where I needed to be: Emmanuel College, porter's lodge, please. Lost and fumbling I was. Tired, lost and fumbling. I found the porter--he was kind and offered me a cup of tea. He called me a cab to get me round the corner to my new home.

Matt--number three--was the first person I met at my new home. He helped me get my bags up the stairs. My room was bare and small and the 'garden view' was not quite what I expected. But I decided to make it work. I hung and decorated and titled my head to get a better angle. I made it my little home and got used to the overgrown garden. I count the seasons on the tree outside my window now. By my estimation, winter will be here soon. My window has no screen, I like that. I can put my hand outside and feel the rain and the cold and catch the sun. Before my window tree was bare it would toss leaves into my room. A nice, playful welcome from a long-time resident of this place.

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