01 October 2008

Borrowing from others

Today I am going to borrow from others.

First: 'Je te manque?' in English this mean 'do you miss me?' or more literally 'am I missed by you?' We were writing sentences on the board in french class using the verbs manquer à and plaire à and a boy wrote 'je te manque?' For some reason that struck me: how often is that actually asked: do you miss me? Perhaps it is just me, but I feel like it is silently considered a lot more often than it is actually said. Je te manque? Oui, oui, tu me manques.

Second: I picked up a book at the Planned Parenthood charity book sale called The Cloister Walk by Kathleen Norris. It is a reflection about her experience becoming a member of the Benedictine order. In the preface she discusses a process of reading called lectio divina, which I think sounds quite good. She decribes the term as meaning: 'an attempt to read more with the heart than with the head ... a slow meditative reading, primarily of the scriptures, lectio respects the power of words to resonate with the full range of human experience'. I don't have any more to comment on it, I simply thought it worth sharing.

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