24 October 2008

amongst a blade of grass

Work has been busy. My first project as project manager is coming to a stage of fruition this coming week... I have to present it to our client on Monday, to be precise. In the middle of the day today I had to leave the office and walk to a small park nearby... lay in the grass and close my eyes. I had to re-calibrate, really: to place myself back into the grander vision. It is so easy to get caught in the local... in the now. Laying there with my face in the grass, hiding my eyes from the blinding sun, I concentrated on listening. A bird... a cyclist rolling by (how nice, I thought, cycling in the middle of a Friday) ... an aeroplane overhead ... a child playing across the way ... another distinct bird call. This is real, I thought, this is reality. I laid there and held to my breast the knowledge of something bigger: millennia of human activity, eons of cells dividing and molecules colliding... something so big that my mind gave in and relaxed.

all shall be well
and all shall be well
and all manner of thing shall be well

1 comment:

Storybell said...

soon enough people will begin to tell you what "professional" is... follow your heart. Taking time out and smelling the grass is a reminder of how messy life can get! PM is all about schedules, organizing, and making sure others keep commitments. Keep lists - lots of them and keep time for yourself. I'm so very proud of you