21 November 2008

at the weekend

Aunt Connie--thanks for asking to see photos of the garden! I've been a bit too lazy to take any lately (plus it is always dark by the time I get home!!) But I am adding two other photos to make up for it in the mean time. Garden photos shall be posted soon...

This is me, Laura, Buster, and a giant carrot from the garden. We are quite the happy family. *The headlamp was used to find the carrot in the garden cause it was too dark to see without it!

This is a drawing for my class that is in process. It is a distorted self portrait (thank you Mac Photo Booth!) The original is in the upper right corner. I think it is getting there...

In other news: it is the weekend! Work has been so busy that the weeks just fly by... but I am so exhausted come the weekend. A regular and habitual break from work was a brilliant idea, whoever came up with it. I am so for it.

I feel there are other things I have been wanting to share here, but am too tired for it this evening. I shall post again soon!


Storybell said...

the picture was wonderful - 'xpecially the light! I'm so jealous that you're working on some art. I can't seem to find a quiet enough space (in my head) to draw anything. I love it when I'm there...oh well. Guess I'll make another tile. Post!!!!!

T Tran said...

I recommend we start the bidding at say... $2 million?