17 February 2008


Spainland is a word from a Devrenda Banhart song: "If I lived in Spainland I'd still have Chinese children." Have a listen; Evan thinks it's a great song... which means it's a great song.

For Aunt Connie: your little sister made it just fine. We have been to Spain and back, today we're in SUNNY Cambridge to recover from Spainland, tomorrow in London and Tuesday back for a tour of Cambridge. She'll be back to you sometime late Wednesday. :)

Here are some photos of Sevilla:

I'll post more photos later; these are just from my camera... mom took even more!


Kevin said...

who's that good lookin' gal sittin on that tile there? I want her numba. heyee.

Bad Luck Mermaid said...

fabulous!!! bids, thanks so much for posting these... can't wait to hear more about your spanish travels!! love you much... ciao!

Evan said...

Kevin, that's my mother!!!