08 February 2008

February Eighth

I am 24 years old, working on a masters degree, and still cannot spell 'February' without the help of spell check. No matter how many times I try to figure it out, it always winds up with a red squiggly line under it. LC can attest to this. I usually throw in a few too many u's or not enough r's. I have never been--nor will I ever be--a spelling bee champ. But I've learnt to live with it.

Above are two photos from my recent time in Lyon. The top is the Saône and the bottom is the Rhône (yes, there are two big rivers in Lyon!) I was gone Monday through Thursday. I spent a lot of time in the archives looking at microfilm, but my work was productive.

This morning rowing started up again. I had given into the idea that I could not row this term because of my need to do research travel, but they wanted to get a third women's boat out (and that means only three outings a week and permission to get subs for absences)... so I am back in it! It was good to be back on the Cam at sunrise (don't worry HORSE... sunrise is like 7am, so I am not up that early!) More news about upcoming races, etc later!

Mom gets to Cambridge on this upcoming Tuesday. I've booked our flight to Seville and our hotel and I have been praying for a sunny trip! The weather has been fabulous lately, and I am hoping it remains for mom's trip!

Also in regard to travel, I recently purchased a flight to Auckland to visit Kevin in April. It's a wicked flight (something like 36 hours, layovers included), but it should be well worth it! Kevin has promised a fun time with camping, beaching (!!!) and a bit of sight-seeing. The trip occurs just about the time I will finish research and begin writing my thesis... so it will be a good breather to push me into the 100 pages of work I'll have ahead of me.

That's all for now. I hope everyone is well; send updates sometime! I think of you all often and would love to hear about life back home (it was quite an out-of-body experience to watch a piece on the California elections on French news... the weight of your vote has made news around the world!) Au revoir and ciao!


Storybell said...

Have a blast with your mom! I'm just a little (read a lot) jealous that she'll get to play with you across the pond. Ah well - that's why she's your mom and I'm your aunt. She get's first trips! Love the pictures. Still fussing with the shawl... may become a scarf. sigh. love you!

ur aunt

Evan said...

Lauren!! I'm the spelling bee-champ. I have the trophy from 3rd grade to prove it.

So don't worry about spelling. That's my raison d'être, so don't worry.

Seeing Lyon, France and Cambridge makes Humboldt look like CSUSB!

Unknown said...

Do not lament, my sweet Pea, when you move back to the States, you can just call me for the correct spelling. I'd be overjoyed to help. ;)

Great pictures of Lyon. I want to go visit again!

Heather said...

I spelled both as "bolth" all through high school, because that is the way I say it! So just pronounce the silent r, and you'll get it.

Kevin said...

Lauren, you are so cool! Yay!