25 April 2008

Across the world and back

First, let me plead for forgiveness regarding my recent lack of posting!

Much has happened since I last posted to this blog. I've started the writing phase of my dissertation, I've travelled to the southern hemisphere, and I've decided to move back to Santa Barbara at the summer.

First things first: writing. Writing, writing, writing. How does one find so many words in such a short time? So, it is really not as dire as that... but looking forward that is how I feel. To think of the project as a whole is quite daunting, so I have relegated myself to thinking only 1000 words at a time.... and then one chapter at a time... and then finally of the dissertation as a whole. It is working so far... but feel free to ask me how I am doing come the end of May!

Second: New Zealand. I spent two weeks at the start of April down in NZ, visiting Kevin and seeing the north island. New Zealand was like a dream: at times so familiar ('wow, this is like the central coast of california!') and at other times a complete mystery (the hokey pokey is an ice cream? I thought it was a dance!) Nevertheless, I had a wonderful time: both spending time with Kev and seeing the country. We did a lot of camping and swimming and I had my first go at surfing. It was quite good, really. :) O, and I chased plenty of sheep. There are plenty of good stories tucked away in that experience... but I will save those for another time.

Third: Santa Barbara. Yes, I am moving home come June. I've decided--for several reasons--not to stay in England for the summer (Mostly it's the lack of good beaches... jk). I plan to be semi-permanently in SB (ie, I do not, at this point, have plans of moving again soon), and I am excited about it! I look forward to seeing friends and family and resuming some of my old habits (but, of course, maintaining some of my new)!

My final point of interest: at the middle of May I am travelling to Budapest with Laura! It should be a lovely trip! So, if anyone has tips on Hungary and 'must-sees', please do share!

That is all for now. I miss you all and am looking forward to seeing you all soon!!


Storybell said...

Just keep writing, listen to some wonderful music, and take as many walks as you can to "air out" - The big D is daunting, but such a relief when it's done. Just ask your uncle T about writing both his master's T & his PhD's D! He just locked himself up and did it. Breathe girlfriend breathe.

love you

MelEnMexico said...

Yay! You updated!

Wow, good luck dissertating.

And I just noticed that I am linked! HOw long have a been there? I feel loved.

I moved by bloggie to melenmexico.blogspot.com, so much better than wordpress. I should figure out how to do links...

Have so much fun in Hungary! Oh and I have a suggestion of a statue park outside the city with all these old communist statues. I will tell Horse so that she can put it on the itinerary.