06 March 2008

a list

colour: lemon and gold
scent: crisp morning
taste: peruvian coffee
task: thoughts into words
attire: casual

04 March 2008

Choas on the River

This last week was consumed by crew. In Cambridge there is a tradition called Bumps. They are a series of boat races that take place over the course of six days, during which each boat rows in four races. All of the crews start 3 boat lengths apart, and the goal of the race is to 'bump' the boat ahead. Bumping includes both overtaking (when bow passes cox) and literally bumping into the boat ahead. It is one of those competitions that everyone knows is (a) unfair and (b) only allowed by health and safety because it is a 200-year tradition. Anyway, we bumped once, got bumped once and rowed over (finished the race) twice. It was a pretty tiring series of days, but great fun! Below are some pictures from the races (the first three are of the getting on race from the Friday before and the fourth is after our last bumps race).

Getting On Race

Getting on race (I am bow, the one in the very back)

My crew after the getting on race

Our crew photo after finishing Bumps

The photos below are from the Boat Club Dinner, a termly black tie event held after races. Sometimes I think people row just to go to BCD. ;)

Sarah, Matt, Catherine and me at BCD

Me and Jean, ie. Bow and Three: we rowed corners together!

My Crew! (minus me; I am taking the photo!)

In other news, Kevin is in Samoa right now with his students, learning and experiencing a lot. Prayers for his travels are much appreciated. :) He arrives back to NZ in two weeks... and then it is two weeks before I head out there myself!

My studies have started to pick up. I give a presentation on Monday to my course and our faculty on my research... should be an interesting day. It is a bit strange to think that I turn in my thesis in three months and three days... and then I am finished with my masters... so quick! Now all I need to do it write the darn thing so that I'll be able to turn it in!